24 february 2008

the woman told Jesus, i know that the Messiah, that is the Christ, is coming; when he comes, he will tell us everything." and Jesus said, "i am who am talking to you, i am he." - from john 4.5-16, 19-26, 39-42 image from my salagdoong, siquijor archive

17 february 2008

on hearing the voice, the disciples fell to the ground, full of fear. but Jesus came, touched them and said, "stand up, do not be afraid." - matthew 17.1-9 image from my siquijor archive

10 february 2008

scripture says, one does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God... you shall not put to the test your Lord your God... worship the Lord your God and serve him alone. - from matthew 4.1-11 image of the siquijor church, siquijor island

3 february 2008

fortunate are those who work for peace for they shall be called children of God - from mt.5:1-12